Thursday, August 27, 2009

My first post: Why I've chosen to study Japanese

こんばんは! Landers です。

I would have written my name in Japanese, but I don't know how. Anyway, my first name is Tricia and this is my Japanese blog.
Why did I choose to study Japanese? I've realized gradually throughout the years that I'm very interested in learning more about their language and culture. This probably started when I first got into the Final Fantasy video game series. The games themselves do not contain much evidence of the Japanese culture, but I figured that any place that such games came from must be amazing. From these games and from Dance Dance Revolution I also started hearing many songs in Japanese, and I realized that the Japanese language is very beautiful, and I wanted to know the meaning of the lyrics of the songs I was listening to.
Recently I've played games such as Persona 3 and Persona 4, which are set in Japan and thus use many Japanese terms and are based on Japanese culture. These got me even more interested.
Of course, I've also read manga and watched anime at different points in my life, and as much as I enjoyed them, I was never as into them as some people are. The main interests I have in Japan come from video games, whether learning more through them, or the fact that if I learned Japanese I could play import games :)
My plan at the time is to end up with a minor in Japanese, but we'll see if that actually happens. I'm a computer science major, so I figure it might be useful in some aspect of whatever job I end up with. Also, I would love more than anything to be able to visit Japan someday.
And that's about it for now! Sorry this post was kind of long. じゃあ また!

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